After four hours of blood sweat and tears the penny finally dropped! Now I can hear it and use it to my advantage… It’s so much easier! Maybe the BIG day is not just a pie in the Skye… I feel good!
My… placed a page in front of me and asked “Can you read this?” With my heart in my throat I said “No way! Is that a prerequisite? All I want is to make my challenge a reality for the BIG day, can you help me?” “I don’t know and I can’t make any promises but like I said you are a natural.”
According to … I’m a natural! But I need a lot of work and adjustments! The BIG day is now less than two months away… Will I be ready? Will you ever find out what it is?
Tomorrow I have my third lesson with my... and I know she reckon I'm a hopeless case! But I can't give up my dream! I have to be able to do it on the BIG day! I'm totally out of my comfort zone! I need some bloody good magic! Have God provided me with the right genes?