Blood-Line Incursion, the thrilling ups and downs of a Scandinavian immigrant in Australia.

Monday, April 23, 2012


There are now 1,130 pollution free results if you Google “Blood-Line Incursion Peter Oredsson” and on the first page there are two advertisers capitalising on the books popularity. Borders are advertising that they are selling my book and Ancestry advertises their family tree search service. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Best Book in USA?

According to the hits on my blog one could easily say Blood-Line Incursion! I love USA!
These are the TOP Countries in the world where Blood-Line Incursion has generated the most interest.
1)      United Sates of America 40.3%
2)      Australia 25.6%
3)      Sweden 13.3%
4)      Russia 3.8%
5)      Latvia 2.5%
6)      Netherlands 2.0%
7)      Germany 1.96%
8)      Malaysia 1.4%
9)      Ukraine 1.2%
10)   Other 8%
It looks like I have to move to the US J as my old and new country doesn’t support me in the same way…