Blood-Line Incursion, the thrilling ups and downs of a Scandinavian immigrant in Australia.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stieg Larsson & Peter Oredsson?

What are the common links between us? We are both Swedish and born three years apart...
Most book sellers around the world recommend that if you like Blood-Line Incursion you more than likely would enjoy Stieg Larsson's book The Girl Who Played With Fire... That's a great honour to me...

27 Countries! 97 Booksellers! Supply Viral Demand of Blood-Line Incursion!

Luckily 3 new countries have joined the long list of supporters  of Blood-Line Incursion as the demand is going viral...
  • France, Amazon
  • Portugal, Bertrand Booksellers
  • Korea, Book.daum Booksellers
Thank you for your support! You make my heart sing :-)